Matthews: Putting the community in development
Matthews is a different kind of development company. The word development might typically trigger ideas of real estate, deals, and land. You might even associate the industry with greed. You envision torn-down structures, quickly constructed high-rises, and big parking lots — disposable architecture. You probably don’t consider development an outlet for creating lasting relationships, community, and impact.
Matthews is a global real estate team that puts values first and deals second. They build partnerships to develop projects that enrich communities and create lasting value, including mixed-use, hospitality, civic, and industrial development in the US, Canada, and the Middle East. But Matthews has grown so much that they had become unsure about their identity. And so was the outside world. They needed to communicate their story and clarify how their different divisions work together to make an impact.

We traveled to their Dallas headquarters for a day-long series of workshops, interviews, and a tour of some of their most significant projects. Team members from all their divisions around the world met with us. We dug deep and used a lot of Post-it notes, facilitating conversations around who Matthews is and where they want to go. With a focus on values, we learned new ways to talk about integrity and excellence to help them clarify their identity and stand out in a crowded industry. Our strategy quickly became to help Matthews put their core at their center. They know who they are. They needed to show and tell it.

We also considered their name at the time, Matthews Southwest. The geographic modifier was no longer accurate and did not make sense as a powerhouse for their other entities. They also have a storied history and a dynamic founder behind the Matthews magic. After numerous interviews, we learned that he is why most people are there and why they stay. Following our brand strategy, we recommended they drop Southwest, putting their confidence and history at their center. This also allows Matthews to continue on a trajectory of growth without being tied to a map.
The simplicity of the new name has a ripple effect. That decision led to a simplified and flexible visual identity, establishing clear rules for each division of Matthews. And assigning each entity a bold color allows for individual expression and ownability.

After a lot of in-person workshopping, we crafted new foundational language for Matthews to help them better communicate their values and why they do what they do. From core values to an elevator pitch to a new story, the development collective now has a clear and confident voice that will come through on the website, in marketing, and in conversations.
Of course, change is complicated, especially for an organization that has been around for thirty years. And showing your insides to the outside world is vulnerable. But Matthews is ready to stand out from the rest as we continue partnering with them to implement the changes to their brand.

"Bullhorn did a fantastic job helping us define our culture and present our company in an authentic way. Bullhorn is a fantastic team and I truly appreciate their help in getting the Matthews story into the wild!"
Phill Geheb, Senior Vice President, Matthews