Peoples Exchange Bank: First-name banking
Small towns are different. When you walk down the street, you see someone you’ve known since kindergarten. Your high school football coach opened the BBQ joint your family stops in after church on Sunday.
Peoples Exchange Bank has been the community bank of small town Kentucky since 1912. Their branches are run by folks who grew up in town. People who watch the game with you at the bar on Saturday. People who have deep roots in your community and feel a responsibility to its growth and success.

With growth comes change. Peoples Exchange is expanding into new markets. We partnered with them to update their brand identity, appealing to a younger, less-rural audience without losing their longstanding ties to community.

We led with strategy: Champion the benefits of Peoples Exchange as a community partner. Breathe new life into the logo and use it as a starting point for a unified, recognizable set of brand elements that tell the brand’s story.
The refined logo is simplified and brighter, supported by a revitalized color palette and a modern take on traditional typography. Growth rings symbolize their community roots, radiating out from the people at the heart of their work. The verbal identity highlights the unique benefits of a bank ingrained in its community. The language is straightforward and conversational, just like what you find when you walk into a branch. People helping people.